Application counselling & coaching on career goals


Does this sound familiar? You know you need to start applying for jobs, but you don't really know what you want to do? You don't know which tasks you can complete well, and are wondering where your interests and talents really lie? Our counselling and coaching sessions give you the tools you need to go on a journey of discovery. This will help you to find answers to your questions and allow you to plan your next steps.

Table of contents

Application checking sessions / application counselling

You can learn how to write successful applications. In our Moodle course and our English-language application training courses, we provide you with all the knowledge you need. In our application checking sessions, we give you personalised feedback and answer all your questions about your application and job search. As a rule, we offer an open application checking session every 14 days (one-to-one interview without registration) and the opportunity to arrange individual appointments. Please allow for some waiting time.

Book an application checking session

Please note: we only give feedback on applications that:

  • were written for a specific job advertisement.
  • have not yet been sent to the employer. 

To prepare, please read through the materials in our Moodle course first, or attend an application training course and use this information and tips to revise your application. After this, please attend one of our open application checking sessions. (The open application checking sessions are also one-to-one interviews). If this is not feasible timewise, please send us an email including:

  • at least three suggested appointment times (Monday to Friday),
  • the cover letter, CV and the corresponding job advertisement.

Counselling & coaching on career goals

Does this sound familiar? You know you need to start applying for jobs, but you don't really know what you want to do? You don't know which tasks you can complete well, and are wondering where your interests and talents really lie? Our counselling and coaching sessions give you the tools you need to go on a journey of discovery. This will help you to find answers to your questions and allow you to plan your next steps.

Book counselling / coaching

If you would like to book a coaching appointment, please send us an email with:

  • possible time slots you would be available for a coaching session (approx. 90 minutes),
  • your CV and
  • the question/questions that you would like to discuss.