InternationalPartnerships & alliancesPartner universitiesHelsinki MetropoliaGerman International University (GIU) in CairoEUonAIRPathways AbroadStudying abroadNewsApplicationDouble & Joint DegreesExchange within the EU (ERASMUS+)Exchange programmes worldwide (PROMOS)Further funding optionsAccreditation of modules and examinations completed abroadInternships abroadERASMUS+ Placement fundingPROMOS funding for internshipsPathways to HTW BerlinStudent Exchange Programmes at HTW BerlinNomination and ApplicationArrival in BerlinYour Studies at HTW BerlinAccomodationServices to Incoming StudentsHTW Berlin Local Erasmus+ InitiativeReturning homeInternational Degree-Seeking StudentsDAAD PrizeGetting started!Language CoursesLiving in BerlinVisa / Residende PermitIndex International A-ZHTW FoundationPreDSH: Preparation for Studies and DSH-ExamHTW Foundation: Application FormHTW Foundation: AdvantagesHTW Foundation: Arrival in BerlinRefugees: Pathways into studyingDocuments required for a Bachelor’s study programmeAssessment of foreign education and studiesIntercultural ExchangeInternational Summer SchoolsDigital Twin as a key component in Smart EnvironmentsBuddy Programme for Incoming StudentsEnglish-Language Study ProgrammesElectrical Engineering (Bachelor)Electrical Engineering (Master)Environmental Engineering and Sustainability (Bachelor)Electrical Engineering for Sustainable and Renewable Energy (Master)AECO - Architecture Engineering Construction and Operation (Bachelor)International Business (Bachelor)Information Technology (Bachelor)Information Technology (Master)Design (Bachelor)Sustainable Clothing/Apparel Technology (Bachelor)Ukraine crisisAdvice & Service InternationalPartnerships & alliancesPartner universitiesHelsinki MetropoliaGerman International University (GIU) in CairoEUonAIRPathways AbroadStudying abroadNewsApplicationDouble & Joint DegreesExchange within the EU (ERASMUS+)Exchange programmes worldwide (PROMOS)Further funding optionsAccreditation of modules and examinations completed abroadInternships abroadERASMUS+ Placement fundingPROMOS funding for internshipsPathways to HTW BerlinStudent Exchange Programmes at HTW BerlinNomination and ApplicationArrival in BerlinYour Studies at HTW BerlinAccomodationServices to Incoming StudentsHTW Berlin Local Erasmus+ InitiativeReturning homeInternational Degree-Seeking StudentsDAAD PrizeGetting started!Language CoursesLiving in BerlinVisa / Residende PermitIndex International A-ZHTW FoundationPreDSH: Preparation for Studies and DSH-ExamHTW Foundation: Application FormHTW Foundation: AdvantagesHTW Foundation: Arrival in BerlinRefugees: Pathways into studyingDocuments required for a Bachelor’s study programmeAssessment of foreign education and studiesIntercultural ExchangeInternational Summer SchoolsDigital Twin as a key component in Smart EnvironmentsBuddy Programme for Incoming StudentsEnglish-Language Study ProgrammesElectrical Engineering (Bachelor)Electrical Engineering (Master)Environmental Engineering and Sustainability (Bachelor)Electrical Engineering for Sustainable and Renewable Energy (Master)AECO - Architecture Engineering Construction and Operation (Bachelor)International Business (Bachelor)Information Technology (Bachelor)Information Technology (Master)Design (Bachelor)Sustainable Clothing/Apparel Technology (Bachelor)Ukraine crisisAdvice & Service HTW Berlin internationalHTW Berlin maintains contacts with 160 partner universities worldwide. This offers many links for international exchange, including student programmes and staff mobility. The university also offers support for refugees. HTW Berlin international HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences - studies, research, further education International International Partner universitiesCooperation with (non-)European universitiesAdvice & ServiceContact the International Office, Student Services, etc.Ukraine crisisSupport and informationPathways AbroadStudying abroadStudy exchange at a partner university abroadInternships abroadHow to finance an internship in Europe or overseas?Pathways to HTW Berlin Student Exchange Programmes at HTW BerlinSemester abroad for IncomingsInternational Degree-Seeking StudentsAdvice for international full-time studentsIntercultural ExchangeInternational Summer SchoolsSpecial courses at HTW Berlin and its partner universitiesVirtual Exchange in International TeachingExchange and Learning Projects with International Partner UniversitiesEnglish-Language Study ProgrammesModules in English for exchange students and HTW students
HTW Berlin internationalHTW Berlin maintains contacts with 160 partner universities worldwide. This offers many links for international exchange, including student programmes and staff mobility. The university also offers support for refugees.
International Partner universitiesCooperation with (non-)European universitiesAdvice & ServiceContact the International Office, Student Services, etc.Ukraine crisisSupport and informationPathways AbroadStudying abroadStudy exchange at a partner university abroadInternships abroadHow to finance an internship in Europe or overseas?Pathways to HTW Berlin Student Exchange Programmes at HTW BerlinSemester abroad for IncomingsInternational Degree-Seeking StudentsAdvice for international full-time studentsIntercultural ExchangeInternational Summer SchoolsSpecial courses at HTW Berlin and its partner universitiesVirtual Exchange in International TeachingExchange and Learning Projects with International Partner UniversitiesEnglish-Language Study ProgrammesModules in English for exchange students and HTW students