Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL) - Bachelor

Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL) - Bachelor

Betriebswirtschaftslehre — in short BWL — is a large and powerful Bachelor's degree programme taught in German at HTW Berlin. Around 1,500 students are currently enrolled in this study programme. As an international exchange student, you have many courses to choose from.



Course offering for Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Business Administration in German)

The course offering including short course descriptions can be found here.

Please note that the course offering might vary from semester to semester. Therefore this website will be updated on 1st March (for the Winter term application process) and 1st September(for the Summer term application process).

More detailed information can be found on the German website for Betriebswirtschaftslehre which can be accessed here.

However, please note that, as mentioned above, that you are limited to the course offering for exchange students.

Three rules of thumb

  • Almost all courses are generally open for application; however places are limited and subject to availability!
  • It is also not guaranteed that courses you choose do not overlap; therefore please state two alternative courses in your learning agreement!
  • Be aware that there is a restriction concerning the specialisations (Vertiefungen): Just the first two (out of four) courses covering each of the nine specialisations are available for exchange students – meaning only the courses taking place in the 4th semester! For example, in Vertiefung Marketing, you can either select the courses SB14 or SB15, but not SB16 or SB17... This rule applies in the same way for the other eight specialisations.