Accreditation of modules and examinations completed abroad
Table of contents
· Before you begin your studies abroad, you are advised to agree the modules that are to be accredited as listed in the Study Programme [PDF]. More information on this can be obtained from your department [see Infobox]. Should any changes to the study Programme be required, please conclude a new one covering all the modules to be recognized.
· Upon your return, apply to your department [see Infobox] for the grades you received abroad to be converted. Submit the following documents
o Application request (no template required)
o Study Programme
o Original certificate from the university abroad confirming your modules and examinations (in case only online certificates are issued, they will be sent upon request directly to the faculty by the International Office)
Conversion of grades (in particular modified Bavarian formula)
Grades awarded abroad are converted into the points system used by HTW Berlin (Section 14 Para. 1 of the Study and Examination Framework Regulations). Undifferentiated grades (passed/failed) will be converted into “sufficient” (4.0) unless you explicitly waive the accreditation. If you are unable to submit a description of the foreign grading system, the conversion will be based on the overview of foreign university grade scales in the anabin database. For orientation please refer to the Conversion Table [PDF]. The modified Bavarian formula is applied when converting foreign grades as follows:
x = 1+ 3×((Nmax-Nd)/(Nmax-Nmin))
- x: HTW grade to be calculated
- Nmax: best possible grade in the foreign system
- Nmin: lowest possible grade required to pass in the foreign system
- Nd: grade awarded abroad
The result is rounded to the next closest HTW grade.
Example: 2.6 is rounded to 2.7 and 2.4 is rounded to 2.3
If the result lies between two grades, it will be rounded up to the higher grade.
Example: 2.5 is rounded to 2.3 and 2.15 is rounded to 2.0
Relative grade distribution
The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs recommends that the relative distribution of grades should also be taken into account. Example: In the UK scores above 80 points and in Irland above 90 are hardly ever awarded. At HTW Berlin students are more frequently awarded the best grade of 1.0. When converting grades, 80 (UK) or 90 (Ireland) should therefore be taken as the maximum grade (Nmax). On the other hand, in the USA the top grade A corresponds to the HTW grade range between 1.0 and 2.5. Therefore it is advised to convert the top grade A into the HTW grade 1.7.