InternationalPartnerships & alliancesPartner universitiesHelsinki MetropoliaGerman International University (GIU) in CairoEUonAIRPathways AbroadStudying abroadNewsApplicationDouble & Joint DegreesExchange within the EU (ERASMUS+)Exchange programmes worldwide (PROMOS)Further funding optionsAccreditation of modules and examinations completed abroadInternships abroadERASMUS+ Placement fundingPROMOS funding for internshipsPathways to HTW BerlinStudent Exchange Programmes at HTW BerlinNomination and ApplicationArrival in BerlinYour Studies at HTW BerlinAccomodationServices to Incoming StudentsHTW Berlin Local Erasmus+ InitiativeReturning homeInternational Degree-Seeking StudentsDAAD PrizeGetting started!Language CoursesLiving in BerlinVisa / Residende PermitIndex International A-ZHTW FoundationPreDSH: Preparation for Studies and DSH-ExamHTW Foundation: Application FormHTW Foundation: AdvantagesHTW Foundation: Arrival in BerlinRefugees: Pathways into studyingDocuments required for a Bachelor’s study programmeAssessment of foreign education and studiesIntercultural ExchangeInternational Summer SchoolsDigital Twin as a key component in Smart EnvironmentsBuddy Programme for Incoming StudentsEnglish-Language Study ProgrammesElectrical Engineering (Bachelor)Electrical Engineering (Master)Environmental Engineering and Sustainability (Bachelor)Electrical Engineering for Sustainable and Renewable Energy (Master)AECO - Architecture Engineering Construction and Operation (Bachelor)International Business (Bachelor)Information Technology (Bachelor)Information Technology (Master)Design (Bachelor)Sustainable Clothing/Apparel Technology (Bachelor)Ukraine crisisAdvice & Service InternationalPartnerships & alliancesPartner universitiesHelsinki MetropoliaGerman International University (GIU) in CairoEUonAIRPathways AbroadStudying abroadNewsApplicationDouble & Joint DegreesExchange within the EU (ERASMUS+)Exchange programmes worldwide (PROMOS)Further funding optionsAccreditation of modules and examinations completed abroadInternships abroadERASMUS+ Placement fundingPROMOS funding for internshipsPathways to HTW BerlinStudent Exchange Programmes at HTW BerlinNomination and ApplicationArrival in BerlinYour Studies at HTW BerlinAccomodationServices to Incoming StudentsHTW Berlin Local Erasmus+ InitiativeReturning homeInternational Degree-Seeking StudentsDAAD PrizeGetting started!Language CoursesLiving in BerlinVisa / Residende PermitIndex International A-ZHTW FoundationPreDSH: Preparation for Studies and DSH-ExamHTW Foundation: Application FormHTW Foundation: AdvantagesHTW Foundation: Arrival in BerlinRefugees: Pathways into studyingDocuments required for a Bachelor’s study programmeAssessment of foreign education and studiesIntercultural ExchangeInternational Summer SchoolsDigital Twin as a key component in Smart EnvironmentsBuddy Programme for Incoming StudentsEnglish-Language Study ProgrammesElectrical Engineering (Bachelor)Electrical Engineering (Master)Environmental Engineering and Sustainability (Bachelor)Electrical Engineering for Sustainable and Renewable Energy (Master)AECO - Architecture Engineering Construction and Operation (Bachelor)International Business (Bachelor)Information Technology (Bachelor)Information Technology (Master)Design (Bachelor)Sustainable Clothing/Apparel Technology (Bachelor)Ukraine crisisAdvice & Service HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences - studies, research, further education International Pathways Abroad Studying abroad News News