Arrival and Life in Berlin

Arrival and Life in Berlin

The most important answers regarding:

  • Visa for study preparation, entry to Germany
  • Accommodation and renting market in Berlin
  • Health insurance in Germany
  • Cost of living                      

Visa (at least 3 months before arrival)

As a participant of the HTW Foundation Program, you can apply for a study visa in the German embassy of your home country. The Federal Foreign Office offers a Visa-Navigator that helps you find the right visa.

Blocked bank account (before arrival)

With the blocked bank account you prove that you can finance your stay in Germany. You will need the proof of the account for your visa application. The Federal Foreign Office informs here about blocked bank accounts (Sperrkonten).

Health insurance (before arrival)

During the HTW Foundation program, you have to make sure to have German health insurance. Most private health insurance offers options for participants of a language travel. While transitioning to the study, the change to public health insurance is possible. Some providers also offer service deals (blocked bank account + insurance) to prepare your study.

Accommodation (before arrival)

The HTW Berlin does not offer accommodations for students or participants of the program. Hence it would be best if you planned with enough time to find accommodation. Shared Flats (WGs) are popular. Some landlords also offer furnished apartments. Living in a student dormitory is only possible for students.

Registration (14 days after moving in)

When you arrive in Berlin you have to register within 14 days. Further information about registration and appointment booking can be found here. Registration won’t be charged.

Residence title (after arrival)

The residence permit for study preparation can be a maximum of 2 years. Further information regarding documents and appointment bookings can be found on the Service portal. An appointment should be made 4-6 weeks before the end of your visa. Further information about this topic will be shared in the course as well.

DSH-Exam (at the end of your course)

The DSH-Exam at the HTW Berlin usually takes place in March and September.