Your Studies at HTW Berlin

Table of contents
Semester Dates
For all semester dates (lecture period, 1st and 2nd exam registration period, state holidays etc.), please refer to our academic calender.
For the "Certificate of Attendance", please state the duration of your exchange period using the following dates:
- Start Date: Date of the Welcome Meeting: mid September/mid March
- End Date: Date of the last day of the First Exam Period
Welcome Weeks
Before the official start of the semester, the International Office organises a two-week introductory programme. This includes obligatory information events, cultural activities and a two-week long intensive German course for non-native speakers. It is mandatory for all incoming exchange students to attend the Welcome Weeks. If special circumstances demand an exception, please contact the International Office.
In the winter semester, the Welcome Weeks will take place mid September to end of September. In the summer semester, the Welcome Weeks will take place mid March to end of March. The exact dates will be announced by e-mail.
Course Selection and Learning Agreement
All incoming students must submit the HTW-Learning Agreement (LA) via MobilityOnline during their application at HTW. Please use the HTW template. Once your HTW-LA has been confirmed by the respective study department at HTW Berlin, the International Office will be able to sign your home university's LA.
You may obtain max. 30 ECTS per semester.
Deadline LA: 31.5. (Winter Semester) & 30.11. (Summer Semester)
Please note that the signed LA ("before the mobility") is a binding document. Further chacnges cannot be made. HTW Berlin is committed to publishing the course catalogue in a timely and binding manner.
- Incoming makes course selection and uploads LA to MobilityOnline.
- HTW Berlin reviews course selections and register students for their classes.
- In case of course overlaps, the course selection may be adjusted in consultation with the appropriate department.
- HTW Berlin returns the signed LA to the students and coordinators.
Study programmes taught in English may be found here.
Study programmes taught in German may be found here.
Please note that you may only take courses from the study program for which you are enrolled at HTW Berlin. Additional guidelines apply to some study programs.
Additional courses: In addition, you can register for language courses (max. 2 per semester) and for 'AWE' modules. For these courses, please register yourself on LSF. During our welcome weeks, we will hold information sessions on how to register for courses on LSF.
Attending Language Courses
Please refer to the HTW Foreign Language Centre to check available language courses. Each language course is worth 4 ECTS. Please note that incoming students are eligible for 1-2 language classes per semester only.
Exam Registration
Please note that all students must register for their exams, regardless of the assessment type (project, written exam, presentation, etc.). It is not possible to sit the exam and receive credits for it without registration.
Please refer to our Exam Registration Guidelines in order to learn more about the Exam Registration Process, the respective deadlines and the importance of the registration.
In case there are some exams you cannot register for, we will send a manual registration form by e-mail. Please send it back to us within the deadline.
Transcript of Records
Around 8 weeks after the end of the 1st examination period and provided that all results have been uploaded to our Student Portal (LSF) by your professors, you will be able to download a QR-Code certified Grades Overview from LSF. It is crucial that you have registered in advance for all of your exams. You will be notified by the student portal whenever one of your grades has been entered.
The International Office will send the Transcript of Records to the student and home university's coordinator by e-mail upon request. For those students who are staying at HTW Berlin for two semesters, both transcripts will be sent out only after the 2nd semester at HTW Berlin.
Please note that Language Certificates will be issued seperately.