ERASMUS+ Placement funding

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) grants funding for international subject-specific traineeships via the ERASMUS+ placement Programme.

Table of contents

What does an ERASMUS+ placement funding provide?

  • A monthly contribution (between 690 to 750 Euros) towards living costs (depending on the country of destination).
  • A monthly contribution of 250 Euros if further criterias are met (people with disabilities or chronic illnesses, students with children, people who are first-time academics in their familiy and previously employed students with a monthly income of 250 to 850 Euros).
  • If applicable a free online language course according to the host country and in one of 17 local languages.

Who is eligible for funding?

  • HTW students with sufficient accident and personal liability insurance valid for the duration of their proposed traineeship.
  • Students can be granted to a maximum total of 12 months (only 360 days!) during any phase in their studies (Bachelor's or Master's degree), but per stay they can be granted for 3 months only
  • Funding for graduate traineeships is available during the year after completion of a degree course for a maximum of 3 months only. The application for such funding must be submitted in the final year of a degree course.
  • A final thesis (written in a company abroad) can be granted, too. In this case the student has to do there a 2-months internship and then can be granted another month of the ERASMUS funding there.

ERASMUS+ participant countries / Standard rates

There are 32 participant countries in the ERASMUS+ programme: 27 EU member states and the EFTA/EWR countries Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey and Macedonia.

French, spanish and portuguese overseas territories are also integrated in the ERASMUS+ Programme. These are French-Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, the Island Reunion, Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira.

Which activities are funded?

Obligatory traineeships and voluntary work experience as recommended by the degree course, internships with writing your thesis in the company and graduate internships as

  • Full-time traineeships.
  • With a subject-specific relationship to the degree course.
  • With a duration of min. 2 months (60 days).
  • At a company in the public or private sector (including schools and universities).

Please note: To get a graduate internship funded it is important to apply for it while still being a student at HTW Berlin. And ERASMUS+ funding is not provided for a traineeship conducted in an international organization, German embassies or any German diplomatic representation.

The application procedure

Places on the ERASMUS+ programme are awarded on a first-come first-served basis. The application deadline is six weeks before the start of the traineeship.

All documents for the application you will find using the online application portal. Please use the online input mask for your first registration.

Please inform us about a need of special funding. So we can apply for it.

Online language courses and tests

  • All students will have to pass an online language test in the working language before and after their traineeship. This is just for the evaluation of language knowledge and improvement and is no criteria for getting the ERASMUS+ scholarship. Native speaker do not need a language test.
  • Depending on the language level the intern will be offered a free Online language course in the local language.


Please note that there does not exist any legal claim of getting the ERASMUS+ funding.