Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer

The Equal Opportunities Officer for Women advises and supports the University Board, the faculties and all other university units with regard to implementing the equal opportunities provisions set out by German law. As the elected women’s representative, the Equal Opportunities Officer for Women

  • represents the interests of women during the staffing of vacancies
  • participates in the university’s committees, councils and boards
  • develops initiatives aimed at ensuring equal opportunities and the promotion of women
  • informs about current equal opportunities programmes
  • provides support for employees and students during conflicts
  • advises and provides support in cases of sexual harassment and violence
  • writes reports documenting the university’s progress in achieving its equal opportunities goals.

Central Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer

Ulrike Richter
 +49 30 5019-2655
  Ulrike.Richter   HTW-Berlin.de
 Hauptberufliche Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
Leitung Zentrales Referat Gleichstellung & Antidiskriminierung
Fachkraft zur Prävention sexueller Gewalt im Arbeitsleben

First Deputy Officer

Jette Hausotter
 +49 30 5019-2414
  Jette.Hausotter   HTW-Berlin.de
 - 1. Stellvertreterin der hauptberuflichen Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
- Co-Leitung Zentrales Referat für Gleichstellung und Antidiskriminierung
- Referentin für Gender, Diversität und Antidiskriminierung in Lehre, Forschung und Hochschulorganisation