
Rufnummer: +49 30 5019-2810
Campus Treskowallee
TA Gebäude C, Raum 523
Treskowallee 8
10318 Berlin
By appointment.
Table of contents
Tilo Wendler studied mathematics and physics as well as computer science and did his doctorate in the field of applied statistics. From 1997 to 2012 he worked in the banking and information technology sector. In 2013 Tilo Wendler was appointed as a professor for quantitative methods at HTW Berlin. From 2015 to 2019 he held the position of Vice-Dean and Dean of the HTW Berlin Business School, from 2019 to 2024 the position of Vice President for Studies, Teaching and International Affairs. Tilo Wendler has been Chancellor of HTW Berlin since May 2024.
- Central administrative departments, university library, Information Technology Centre, university sports and coordination of the decentralised administrative departments
- Financial, personnel and legal matters and those related to infrastructure
- Budget Officer
- Supporting non-academic staff in a supervisory capacity
- Construction projects, land development
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Quality management for the administrative departments
- Representing the University Board to the Staff Council
- Representing the University Board to the Academic Senate Committee for Budgeting and Economic Planning