Vice-President for Studies, Teaching & International Affairs

Rufnummer: +49 30 5019-2830
Campus Treskowallee
TA Gebäude C, Raum 528
Treskowallee 8
10318 Berlin
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Table of contents
Professor Birgit Müller has been teaching courses in the Building Energy and Information Technology degree programme at HTW Berlin since 2010. Her previous appointments include a position as Head of the Department of Heating and Industrial Air Technology (Hermann Rietschel Institute) at the TU Berlin. She also completed her doctorate at the TU Berlin in 2002 and obtained a teaching qualification in building services engineering in 2009. From 2013 to 2014, she was Vice-Dean of Faculty 1: School of Engineering – Energy and Information. Holder of the office of Vice-President for Teaching at HTW Berlin from 2014-2019, she resumed the position with effect from 15 August 2024.
- Learning and teaching
- Examinations
- Further education
- Quality management in teaching
- Represents the University Board in matters involving the Committee for Academic Affairs and the Evaluation Committee of the University Council