Sustainable Smart Cities

Sustainable Smart Cities

Urban development is characterised by the interconnection of different thematic fields: urban mobility, energy production and supply, construction activity, the development and maintenance of places to work, shop, relax and live cannot be considered independently of one another, but require an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach. In practice and research, the role of digitalisation and new information and communication technologies within urban spaces is being discussed increasingly under the heading “Sustainable Smart City”. This encompasses various concepts and ideas that address the links between technical and social innovations and current urban challenges. The connection of different spatial levels is also of significance in this context: smart buildings, smart neighbourhoods and smart cities are by no means discrete concepts, but are dependent on and influence one another.

A special feature of the cluster will be the development of the HTW Berlin campus into a real laboratory in the sense of field testing. In the process, the Wilhelminenhof campus will be established as an experimental field within the framework of the 1Campus strategy and the extensive preliminary work and experience of the participating professorships. In order to be able to identify and pursue new paths for smart and sustainable solutions, systems and social practices associated with the Sustainable Smart City of the future will be tested and made tangible at HTW Berlin and discussed in dialogue with a wide range of actors from the fields of science, business, politics, administration and society at large.