Research focus
Five major future topics are defining the focus of research activities at HTW Berlin. Individual researchers, small project groups and multidisciplinary research teams dedicate themselves to these topics with a wide variety of approaches. These relate, respectively, to the optimum use of renewable energies and resource efficiency, innovative methods for health, care and life, potential uses of digital technologies for the economy and society, aspects of sustainable management, entrepreneurship and the future of work as well as artistic and creative approaches from the fields of design and culture to solve challenges facing society as a whole.
Digital technologies for industry and society
In this research area, academics from the disciplines of computer science, engineering, economics and design develop innovative digital technologies for various fields of application, industries and types of organisation - from SMEs to educational and cultural institutions.

Technologies for health and life
This area of research focuses on interdisciplinary research into innovative methods, products and services for health, care and life.

Renewable energies and resource efficiency
This research area addresses transformation processes in pursuit of a greenhouse gas-neutral and resource-conserving economy and way of life. Here, the focus is placed on the development of technologies for the energetic and material utilisation of renewable raw materials.

Design and culture
In the research area design and culture, researchers at HTW Berlin are involved in innovations in sectors such as games and fashion as well as in culture, politics and administration.

Sustainable management, entrepreneurship and the future of work
This research area is dedicated to structural changes in modern societies due to globalisation and capital mobility as well as questions of the social, ecological and economic use of resources in companies and civil society organisations.