Proof of German proficiency

Table of contents

Recognised language tests

The following tests are recognised as proof of language proficiency at HTW Berlin:

  • Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang
    • with an overall grade of DSH 2
  • Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache
    • TestDaF with at least TDN 4 level in each subtest (4/4/4/4) for all study programmes
  • "Prüfungsteil Deutsch" of the final assessment test after completion of the Studienkolleg (university preparatory course)
  • Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz
    • “Zweite Stufe” with Level C1 in all 4 sections of the test
  • Goethe Zertifikat C2 (GDS)
  • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule

Intermediate-level (Mittelstufe) test certificates are not sufficient.

Proof of German language for programmes with aptitude test

If you apply for one of the here mentioned programmes please submit a certificate stating a profiviency in German on B2- level (C+).

This does not apply for the Bachelor's programme Communication Design (B). To apply for this programme please submit a proof of German on C1-level.



Learning the German language

Ideally, you will have already learnt German in your home country, e.g. at the Goethe-Institut. You can further advance your language knowledge in Germany, for example through intensive German courses or DSH preparation courses. You are free to decide at which language school you want to learn German.

Proof of language proficiency for the Studienkolleg

If you are applying for the Studienkolleg (university preparatory course), you require a German language certificate at level B2.

Visa for a language course

If you would like to apply for a visa in order to prepare for studying by attending a language course in Berlin, you require

  • Confirmation of your registration for a language course in Berlin and
  • A letter of confirmation from a university stating that you have the necessary formal higher education entry qualification

This letter of confirmation will be issued to you by HTW Berlin if you submit the following documents:

  • Copy of your passport or identity card
  • Copes of all of your secondary education and university degree certificates together with a German or English translation
  • Confirmation from a Berlin language school that you have a binding registration to do a German course
  • Letter stating which study programme you want to take at HTW Berlin and when you wish to begin studying
  • home address details
  • if you need the letter urgently please inform us about the deadline

Please send your request and documents via email using the Ticketsystem .

You must then submit the letter of confirmation from the language school together with the confirmation from HTW Berlin to the official body responsible for your visa application.