You can choose between:
- Specialist foreign language modules with a focus on business, engineering and design from Mittelstufe 1 (intermediate level 1) to Oberstufe 1 (advanced level 1). These modules are aimed at international students completing either a full-time study programme or an exchange semester at HTW Berlin.
- General language modules. These courses are intended for students with little or no knowledge of the German language who are enrolled on a Master’s study programme or a study programme taught entirely in English or who are completing an exchange semester at HTW Berlin.
Starting now: 12-week German intensive course for refugees. The Central Institution for Foreign Languages at HTW Berlin is offering a German language course for refugee students and prospective students who are interested in starting or continuing their studies at HTW Berlin beginning in April 2023. More information can be found here.
In addition, you can also prove your language proficiency by taking the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (German language test for university entry – DSH) at HTW Berlin.
Head of Language Team - Other Languages
Kristin Waschke
+49 30 5019-3707
Dozentin für Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Amanda Plante-Kropp
+49 30 5019-2980
Dozentin für Englisch und Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)
Florence Genet
+49 30 5019-2735
Dozentin für Französisch und Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Associate Lecturer

Florian Püschel
+49 30 5019-2862
HTW Foundation Project Coordination
Programmes for Refugees
Programmes for Refugees