Part-time jobs
Table of contents
For many students, a part-time job is an important source of income to finance living expenses incurred in addition to their studies. Special regulations may apply to you depending on the type of job you pursue. The studierendenWERK Berlin and the DGB (Federation of German Trade Unions)have compiled information on the topic of working while studying.
Job search
The HTW Berlin job vacancies site features current job offers. The Career Services team is happy to support you in your job search and application process. For example, you have access to the job search guide with a listing of general and sector-specific job exchanges. Positions for student assistants at HTW Berlin are advertised on the university website.
Jobs for international students
Many international students also fund their living expenses through a part-time job. The DAAD and the DGB Jugend (German Trade Union Youth) have compiled information on the topic of working as an international student.