
Table of contents


  • Certificate "Shaping Diversity" as part of the diversity audit of Stifterverband
Equal rights for all genders
  • ‘University with strong gender equality’ award as part of the Female Professors Programme 2030
  • Total E-Quality 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2018, 2021
  • European Digital Woman Award 2013
Integration and accessibility
  • Special integration award of the State of Berlin 2011
  • Barrier-free Berlin 2007
  • exzellent: kooperation 2012
  • EQUAL integration award "Science without barriers" 2007
Work and career
  • "Premium D-A-CH" alumni award 2012
  • University of High Performance Sports

Students and alumni

German Design Graduate AwardPaul Ackert and Jona Götze (both Industrial Design)
German Computer Game Award 2023 Best Graphic Design: "Abriss - build to destroy" by Friedrich Beyer, Till Freitag and Johannes Knop, Best Family Game: "Die magische Bretterbudenburg" by Marlene Käseberg (Game Design and System Design graduates)
ClimateProtectionAwardWinner 2023 in the competition for Berliner KlimaSchutzProjekteJona Jacob Götze for "UpLift - Hybrid Energy System
Baukammerpreis 20223rd prize in the Bachelor's thesis category for Hannes Kroke, recognition prize for the Master's thesis by Jasmin Wieding
Baukammerpreis 20211st prize for Bachelor's theses for Yasemine Belkaid, 3rd prize for Master's theses for Elina Gubert, recognition prizes for Sura Cakir, Robert Heitmann, Oliver Wuttke (all Civil Engineering)
Springer BestMasters 2021Paul Zschocke (Finance, Accounting, Corporate Law, Taxation) for his Master's thesis "Germany and the USA in Tax Competition - An Examination of the Tax Burden after the US Tax Reform 2017"
GEFMA Promotion Award 2021 in the category "International Space Standards"Asena Jahn and Joshua Thiele (Facility Management) for their Master's thesis "Comparison of International Real Estate Space Standards - Component Library as an Approach to Comparability"
Frankfurt Fashion Week 2020, 1st prizeCarla Renée Loose (Bachelor graduate Fashion Design) for her Master's thesis at the Berlin Academy of Art and Design


ECDF Award for Digitalization and Diversity 2023Prof. Dr. Helena Mihaljević as first author of the publication „Towards gender-inclusive job postings: A data-driven comparison of augmented writing technologies“ (2022)
German Design Award 2019, Special MentionProf. Birgit Weller for the counting sensor IRMA MATRIX
German Employer Prize for Education 2017Prof. Dr. Jörn Freiheit, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Krefting, Prof. Dr. Henrik Lochmann and Prof. Dr. Juliane Siegeris from the Computer Science and Business Administration study programme exclusively for women.
Digital Female Leader Award 2017 in the category "Science"Prof. Dr. Heike Hölzner
Kurt-Rothschild Prize for Economic JournalismProf. Dr. Camille Logeay and four other researchers for their study on “Pensions in Germany and Austria: Learning from the neighbour"
Best Paper Award, 18th Young Academics Conference (NWK) 2017Leonhard Gebhardt and Ralf Waubke for the project "Digital Value Lab"