BIM4Event and Project Management (BIM4Event)


The scale and the complexity of the annually organized cultural events are exponentially increasing in terms of security, logistics and media supply. This phenomenon desires a better and a more standardized event-related information exchange between the industry and public partners, and a higher level of safety is required. The main purpose of the project is to develop two 3D digital Information Models (based on BIM) which could be individually tested as collaboration platform between different private and public parties/ authorities within the event and construction sector. By the help of a BIM driven communication platform the event management related information could be jointly gathered by different industry participants, e.g. construction and engineering companies or service and Facility Management companies into a single digital interface (single source of truth). This digital platform would then enable the industry partners and public administration departments to exchange, use, commonly further develop and visualize event and construction-related geometric and alphanumeric information about the built environment. The creation of a platform would result a shaken up production cycle, hence a safer but yet less expensive cultural events/construction. Main mile stones: 1. Analyzing the stakeholders` requirements 2. Defining the
characteristics of the test environment 3. Planning the Pilot 4. Building a Digital Pilot 5. Testing and implementation 6. Dissemination.


01.03.2018 - 30.11.2018




Ympäristöministeriö (Ministry of Environment, Finland)


  • Metropolia, Helsinki

