Introduction of the Experimental Setup for the Investigation of the Novel Selective Melt Dispersion (SMD): A Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Process
Noller, Sebastian F. et al. In: Clean Technologies 6, 2. (2024), S. 572-585.
Artikel › Journalartikel
› 2024
Optimizing the design of the selective melt dispersion (SMD) process based on metallographic in-vestigations of additively manufactured 316L steel samples
Noller, Sebastian Friedrich et al. In: PM Practical Metallography 62, 1. (2024), S. 4-18.
Artikel › Journalartikel
› 2024
Perspective Chapter: Breaking the Barriers – Additive Technologies (AX) for Integrated Process Chains and Integrated Devices (IDs) for Hybrid Product Architectures
Dahlmeyer, Matthias; Noller, Sebastian Friedrich. In: Advanced Additive Manufacturing. London, UK: 2022, S. Chapter 5.
Sammelbandbeitrag › Kapitel
› 2022
Semantic Competence Modelling – Observations from a Hands-on Study with HyperCMP Knowledge Graphs and Implications for Modelling Strategies and Semantic Editors.
Dahlmeyer, Matthias. In: Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2020. Bonn: 2020, S. 79-89.
Konferenzbeitrag › Konferenzpaper
› 2020
Taxonomic Competence Modelling – Observations from a Hands-on Study and Implications for Modelling Strategies
Dahlmeyer, Matthias. In: Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2020. Bonn: 2020, S. 70-78.
Konferenzbeitrag › Konferenzpaper
› 2020
Aufbau-, montage- und funktionsgerechte Gestaltung additiv gefertigter Produktivbauteile
Dahlmeyer, Matthias. In: Konstruktion: Zeitschrift für Produktentwicklung und Ingenieur-Werkstoffe 5/2019. (2019), S. 93-98.
Artikel › Journalartikel
› 2019
Conditions, Requirements, and Guidelines to a Universal,Integrative Model of Digitally Operable Competence Representations
Dahlmeyer, Matthias. In: Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2019, Berlin, Germany. Bonn: 2019, S. 111-119.
Konferenzbeitrag › Konferenzpaper
› 2019
Arbeits- / Diskussionspapier / Forschungsbericht
Die Zukunft des Kompetenzmanagements
Dahlmeyer, Matthias et al. Hg. von Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM). Frankfurt am Main: 2016, S. 1-28. Sonderheft / Sonderband
› 2016
Die Zukunft des Kompetenzmanagements
Dahlmeyer, Matthias. In: Mitschriften des Knowledge Camp 2016 Berlin. Berlin: 2016, S. Session #189.
Konferenzbeitrag › Konferenzpaper
› 2016
Zukunftswerkstatt Kompetenzmanagement
Dahlmeyer, Matthias et al. Berlin: 2016, S. 1-35.
Konferenzbeitrag › Konferenzpaper
› 2016
An X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF-J) Instrument for Geochemical Element Mapping of the Galilean Satellites
Galuba, Goetz et al. International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions 2014 (IPM-2014). 2014.
Konferenzbeitrag › Poster
› 2014
Development of a New Planetary X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer and Co-Development of Standard Samples for on-board-Calibration
Dreißigacker, Anne et al. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). 2014.
Konferenzbeitrag › Poster
› 2014
Development of a Planetary X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer and Standard Samples for on-board Calibration
Dreißigacker, Anne et al. European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2014. 2014.
Konferenzbeitrag › Poster
› 2014
Development Of New Planetary SCD Based X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Package For In-Situ Analysis
Fabel, Oliver et al. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. 2014.
Konferenzbeitrag › Poster
› 2014
Planetary X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Package for In-Situ Analysis
Köhler, Eberhard et al. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). 2014.
Konferenzbeitrag › Poster
› 2014
Planetary X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Package for In-Situ Elementary Analysis of the Lunar Surface
Köhler, Eberhard et al. Science and Challenges of Lunar Sample Return Workshop. 2014.
Konferenzbeitrag › Poster
› 2014