International Project Management

This certified course will introduce the key components of project management, the methods and instruments of international project management as well as basic project working techniques.

Course Factsheet

DegreeUniversity Certificate in International Project Management I
PaceSupportive Lectures in online-class; Additional self-paced learning
CertificateUniversity certificate ≙ 10 ECTS
DurationOctober – February
CertificationOnline exam
Time Commitment6-8 hours per week
Price2.800 Euro plus Tax
FundingEducational leave possible

Course Description

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. understand the benefits of a structured project management approach.
  2. initiate a project, carry out all planning tasks and implement stakeholder management appropriate to the project scope and objectives.
  3. describe the processes of uncertainty management, quality management, cost management and project controlling during the project life cycle.
  4. know and use typical project management tools and methods suitable for planning, problem solving and decision making during project execution.
  5. assess the supportive, influencing and challenging environment of a project.
  6. explain why the success of a project is ultimately always about people.

You will learn in real-time lectures with professors via video conference with direct & personal feedback. Additional documents are available to prepare the lectures and practice the details discussed.

The ECTS system is employed to ensure international recognition of students' academic achievements. The credits awarded in this course can recognized by other universities and substitute modules in study programmes.