Lecturer for International Project Management for Master’s programme at HTW Berlin

Master's in Project Management and Data Science (MPMD)

The English-language postgraduate Master's programme Project Management and Data Science (MPMD) is looking for a lecturer in International Project Management (module MPMD1.1) from the winter semester 2024. The teaching assignment comprises 82 teaching units à 45 minutes à 80,- (6.560,-) Euro per winter semester. Depending on the course design, additional teaching units are possible.

The MPMD provides international students with the knowledge to work as data analysts and project managers in national and international companies and to successfully manage international data-driven projects through application-oriented teaching.

The programme has been offered since 2016 and is in high demand internationally. It is open to both students with a project management background and career changers from other fields who can be expected to be highly motivated. Every year, 35 Master's students from more than 15 countries take part in the 4-semester programme. Graduates of the MPMD are sought after by global players in the industry as well as by start-ups.

Teaching content

The study programme aims to qualify students to take on complex leadership roles in nationally and internationally active companies and institutions through application-oriented teaching. Graduates of the programme are able to successfully lead projects in international contexts, specifically including data-driven projects. At the end of this module, students will be familiar with the basics of classic, agile and hybrid project management and will be well prepared to become Certified Associates in Project Management (PMI).

Learning Objectives

Students are familiar with project characteristics and understand the benefit of a structured project management approach. They know the plan-based and agile approaches and when to apply them. They are able to initiate a project, execute all planning tasks and implement stakeholder management fitting to project scope and goals. They understand project uncertainty management, cost management and the controlling processes during the whole project life cycle. Students are familiar with typical project management tools and methods appropriate to planning, problem solving and decision-making during project execution.

Students are able to lead an intercultural project team and to motivate them to achieve the project goal.

Students are well prepared to pass the CAPM exam (PMI).

Teaching should be practice-oriented, i.e. include practical tasks and group work, case studies and industry involvement, e.g. through guest lectures. It should provide students with the necessary skillset for an international and increasingly digitalised working world (virtual collaboration, AI …).

Flexible teaching with excellent facilities

  • Classes can be taught in blocks and/or in weekly sessions
  • Teaching can take place hybrid (on campus plus live streaming) or online
  • Modern classroom equipment is provided
  • E-Learning materials can be provided. A professional E-Learning team supports you in the adaption and implementation of existing and new teaching materials

Language of instruction is English. Classes are held during regular lecture times, i.e. from October through to the beginning of February.

Your profile

  • University degree in project management or equivalent knowledge, skills and experience, at least at Master’s level
  • Experience in managing data-driven projects
  • Certified Project Management Professional (PMP by PMI)
  • Willingness to continuously adapt the content in line with technological and social developments
  • Very good command of written and spoken English
  • (Online) teaching experience
  • Ability to consider and integrate gender and diversity aspects

We are looking forward to your application!

Please send your detailed application or any questions about the position by 15.07.2024 to Sylke Sedelies, service-mpmd@htw-berlin.de