Virtual Archaeology
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Wilhelminenhof campus
Journal search
INTernational ENntrepreneurship Skills Europe (INTENSE)
The objective of “INTENSE – INTernational ENntrepreneurship Skills Europe” is to develop and implement teaching modules within a collaboration between Higher Education Institutes (HEI) and European Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME). The modules involve content that supports the internationali...
Renewable Energy Systems: Application of Control Concepts based on the Model Class of Takagi-Sugeno (TS) Fuzzy Systems (Renewable Energy Systems)
The main project objectives were the research and application of modern control engineering methods, control theory and systems diagnosis for plant monitoring and plant management for renewable energy systems. In detail, these are Analysis of power generation systems and their automation using mode...
Publishing thesis in the library's repository
Superpowers for Lifelong Learning
Start-up Qwoll seeks to help busy people learn more efficiently.