Matters of Activity - Teilprojekt Cutting (MoA Cutting)
The project »Cutting« deals with the technique of forming, changing and opening surfaces and bodies – cutting. Here, researchers from Art History, Computer Science, Biology, Neurosurgery, Linguistics and Brain Research, Physics, Design and Interaction Design jointly research a new perspective on mat...
Thin Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells on Glass (chapter 5.2)
Gabriel, Onno ; Amkreutz, Daniel ; Haschke, Jan ; Rech, Bernd ; Schlatmann, Rutger: Thin Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells on Glass (chapter 5.2). In: Angéle Reinders / Pierre Verlinden / Wilfried van Sark / Alexandre Freundlich, Photovoltaic Solar Energy. From Fundamentals to Applications , S. 226-237, Wiley, Weinheim, 2017, ISBN 978-1-118-92746-5
Living in Berlin
Large Devices of Industrial Culture: The Preservation of their Historical Evidence
Keller-Kempas, Ruth : Large Devices of Industrial Culture: The Preservation of their Historical Evidence. In: Gudrun Wolfschmidt , ICOMOS - International Symposium Cultural Heritage. Astronomical Oberservatories (aroung 1900) - From Classical Astronomy to Moderen Astrophysics. Preprints, S. 66, Hamburg University: Institute for Histrory of Science 2008, Hamburg, 2008
Pre-study internship for Bachelor’s degree programmes
Health insurance
Tulle, conductive thread and 200 LEDs
Fashion design student Martha Berwanger has created an "intelligent" dress for IBM.
DSH Exam registration
Co-Design-Projektgruppe "SDGs and cities"
Cities provide solutions to mitigate and adapt to Global Climate Change and also play an important role in implementing the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to learn from the past und to reveal the current needs of the implementation of the SDGs, the project aims at analysing the...