Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Antrag auf Zulassung zur Bachelorarbeit
Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Antrag auf Zulassung zur Bachelorarbeit
Final thesis
Adaptive Algorithms through Machine Learning: Exploiting Interactions in Integer Programming (MATH+ EF1-9)
Modern Mixed Integer Linear Programming solvers are among the most complex algorithms implemented in software today. They commonly rely on a Branch-and-Cut approach: the MILP problem is first relaxed to a Linear Program by dropping integrality requirements. One then iteratively adds additional const...
Microsoft Word - NEU_20101109_01_Template front side inkl. DAAD_Logo
Dual enrolment
If you wish to be enrolled on two different study programmes simultaneously, you need to apply for dual enrolment.
Sonia Chabane: 2016 EU-Turkey Deal: Designing new relations between state and nonstate actors in the Syrian Refugee Response
Vortrag auf der Studierendenkonferenz "Herkunft Zukunft" am 28. November 2019 an der HTW Berlin