Competition for Water Resources from the European Perspective
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„Effects of the elimination of train path charges on the competition between bus and train – Development of travel activities and the choice of means of transport in German long distance passenger transport“
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Challenges and Solutions using Machine Learning in Histopathology and Bioinformatics
Responsible Intellectual Property Strategies: Insights from Case Studies of Sustainable Companies.
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Optimization of Last Mile Parcel Consolidation from an Economic and Ecological Perspective
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Optimization of Last Mile Parcel Consolidation From an Economic and Ecological Perspective
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Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Industries. Insights from an Emergent Field
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Working from home? Strategische Handlungsfelder hybrider Arbeitsplatzkonzepte an Hochschulen
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Looking at compositions of reflections in a DGE from thinking modes and semiotic perspectives
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Securing a Building Automation and Control System from Cyber Attacks
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