Towards Sensor-Based Learning: Lessons Learned from LISA
Fortenbacher, Albrecht ; Ninaus, Manuel ; Yun, Haeseon ; Helbig, Réne ; Möller, Korbinian : Towards Sensor-Based Learning: Lessons Learned from LISA. In: Pinkwart, N. & Konert, J. (Hrsg.), DELFI 2019, S. 193 - 198, Bonn, 2009, ISBN 978-3-88579-691-6, ISSN 1617-5468
X-ray spectra from weakly ionized linear molybdenum plasma
R. Germer; T. Inoue; T. Kawai; H. Mori; H. Obara; A. Ogawa; E. Sato; E. Tanaka; K. Takayama: X-ray spectra from weakly ionized linear molybdenum plasma. In: 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Xian, China, 2006
Deep Metric Learning using Similarities from Nonlinear Rank Approximations
Schall, Konstantin ; Barthel, Kai Uwe ; Hezel, Nico ; Jung, Klaus : Deep Metric Learning using Similarities from Nonlinear Rank Approximations. In: Proceedings of IEEE 21st International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, S. 1-4, Kuala Lumpur, 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-1817-8 (online), ISSN 2473-3628 (online)
Deep Metric Learning using Similarities from Nonlinear Rank Approximations
Schall, Konstantin ; Barthel, Kai-Uwe ; Hezel, Nico ; Jung, Klaus : Deep Metric Learning using Similarities from Nonlinear Rank Approximations. In: Proceedings of IEEE 21st International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, S. 1-6, Kuala Lumpur, 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-1817-8, ISSN 2473-3628
From Crisis to Growth? The Challenge of Debt and Imbalances
Thomasberger, Claus ; Herr, Hansjörg ; Niechoj, Torsten ; Truger, Achim ; van Treek, Till : From Crisis to Growth? The Challenge of Debt and Imbalances, Metropolis, Marburg, 2012, ISBN 978-3-89518-942-5
Extracting domain terminologies from the World Wide Web
Matthias Wendt, Christoph Büscher, Christian Herta, Steffen Kemmerer, Walter Tietze, Manuel Messner, Martin Gerlach and Holger Düwiger. : Extracting domain terminologies from the World Wide Web, S. 79-87, Elhuyar Fundazioa, San Sebastian, 2009, ISBN 978-84-92457-05-2
X-ray spectra from weakly ionized linear copper plasma
E. Sato; Y. Hayasi; R. Germer; E, Tanaka; H. Mori; T. Kawai; T. Inoue; A. Ogawa; S. Sato; K. Takayama; J. Onagawa: X-ray spectra from weakly ionized linear copper plasma. In: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, S. 5301 - 5306, 2006, ISSN 0021-4922
Collecting and Using Audiovisual Educational Aids from East Germany
v.Engelhardt, Kerrin; Rüdel, Ulrich: Collecting and Using Audiovisual Educational Aids from East Germany. In: Anke Hertling, Peter Carrier , Collecting Educational Media. Making, Storing and Accessing Knowledge, S. 111-125, Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford, 2022, ISBN 978-1-80073-483-8
Gamification for mobile crowdsourcing applications: An example from flood protection
Todtenhausen, Leon ; Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank : Gamification for mobile crowdsourcing applications: An example from flood protection. In: Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics. ICT for Sustainable Solutions. Progress in IS, S. 37-53, Springer Nature, Cham, Schweiz, 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-30861-2, 978-3-030-30862-9 (eBook), ISSN 2196-8705
Cosmo Wenman: Obtaining 3D Scan of Nefertiti from SPK (Articel on cooperation with Ritlewski)
Ritlewski, Kristoff: Cosmo Wenman: Obtaining 3D Scan of Nefertiti from SPK (Articel on cooperation with Ritlewski), 2019