Sustainable Production of Common Reed as an Energy Source from Wet Peatlands
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Linking Perceptions and Water Management: Reflections from Cyprus
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Introduction of material science from applied university to 6th grade elementary school
Pfennig, Anja ; Tress, Marcus ; Stade, Martin ; Zimmer, Sebastian ; Köster, Bastian ; Seeger, Stephan ; Köhler, Marcus ; Litti-Voßkamp, Kerstin : Introduction of material science from applied university to 6th grade elementary school. In: ELAN e.V. conference on teaching trends - Neue Konzepte des Technologie-Einsatzes in der Hochschullehre, S. 1, ELAN e.V, Osnabrück, 2012
Understanding organisational behaviour in MNCs from a micropolitical perspective: a stratified analytical framework
Becker-Ritterspach, Florian ; Blazejewski, Susanne : Understanding organisational behaviour in MNCs from a micropolitical perspective: a stratified analytical framework. In: Florian Becker-Ritterspach / Susanne Blazejewski / Christoph Dörrenbächer / Mike Geppert, Micropolitics in the Multinational Corporation, S. 185-207, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016, ISBN 978-1-107-05367-0
Deep Metric Learning using Similarities from Nonlinear Rank Approximations
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After 'CRA III' - Achievements and Challenges from the Legal Perspective
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Productivity Paradox in Digital Innovation for SMEs: Insights from a Participatory Inquiry
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Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Production from Banana Waste in Costa Rica
Grösch, Norbert ; Holzapfel, Matthias ; Reis, Lukas ; Kami Delivand, Mitra ; Barz, Mirko : Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Production from Banana Waste in Costa Rica. In: Biogas as a sustainable energy solution for developing countries: proceedings to the International Workshop on Sustainable Rural Energy Supply Solutions - Agro-waste as an Energy Source for Biogas Produktion, S. 52-59, Mensch und Buch Verlag, Berlin, 2016, ISBN 978-3-863-87693-7
Flux enhancing chemicals in MBR: From jar-tests to pilot-scale
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Second harmonic x-ray irradiation from weakly ionized linear ferrum plasma
Eiichi, Sato; Germer, Rudolf; Toshiyuki, Enomoto; Etsuro, Tanaka; Toshiaki, Kawai; Mitsuru, Izumisawa; Koetsu, Sato; Akira, Ogawa; Shigehiro, Sato; Kazuyoshi, Takayama: Second harmonic x-ray irradiation from weakly ionized linear ferrum plasma. In: SPIE, Vol.7126 Proc.28th ICHSIP, S. 6, USA, 2009, ISSN 71261J