Definition of social sustainability criteria for the simulation of OHS in manufacturing entities
Widok, Andi H. ; Wohlgemuth, Volker : Definition of social sustainability criteria for the simulation of OHS in manufacturing entities. In: EnviroInfo & ICT4S, Adjunct Proceedings (Part 2) – Building the knowledge base for environmental action and sustainability, S. 7-14, University of Copenhagen, Kopenhagen, 2015, ISBN 978-87-7903-712-0
Definition of social sustainability criteria for the simulation of OHS in manufacturing entities
Widok, Andi H. ; Wohlgemuth, Volker : Definition of social sustainability criteria for the simulation of OHS in manufacturing entities. In: EnviroInfo & ICT4S, Adjunct Proceedings (Part 2) – Building the knowledge base for environmental action and sustainability, S. 7-14, University of Copenhagen, Kopenhagen, 2015, ISBN 978-87-7903-712-0
ENSURE - Increasing resilience by integration of volunteers in disaster management
Jendreck, Michael ; Meissen, Ulrich ; Rösler, Michel ; Lukau, Eridy ; Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank : ENSURE - Increasing resilience by integration of volunteers in disaster management. In: Environmental Informatics – Stability, Continuity, Innovation: Current trends and future perspectives based on 30 years of history, S. 131-140, Shaker, Aachen, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8440-4687-8
ENSURE - Increasing resilience by integration of volunteers in disaster management
Jendreck, Michael ; Meissen, Ulrich ; Rösler, Michel ; Lukau, Eridy ; Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank : ENSURE - Increasing resilience by integration of volunteers in disaster management. In: Environmental Informatics – Stability, Continuity, Innovation: Current trends and future perspectives based on 30 years of history, S. 131-140, Shaker, Aachen, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8440-4687-8
Imprinted Nanostructures for Light Management in Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells on Glass
Eisenhauer, David ; Köppel, Grit ; Jäger, Klaus ; Rech, Bernd ; Becker, Christiane : Imprinted Nanostructures for Light Management in Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells on Glass . In: Light, Energy and the Environment, S. PM2B.5/1-2, o.O., 2016, ISBN 978-0-9600380-4-6
Graph-Grammars to specify dynamic changes in topology for spatial-temporal processes
Wittmann, Jochen : Graph-Grammars to specify dynamic changes in topology for spatial-temporal processes. In: Schaldach, R., Simon, K.-H., Weismüller, J., Wohlgemuth, V., Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics: ICT for Sustainable Solutions, S. 131-148, Springer, Berlin, 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-30862-9
Mobile Applications for Industrial Environmental Protection
Ziep, Tobias ; Krehahn, Peter ; Wohlgemuth, Volker : Mobile Applications for Industrial Environmental Protection. In: EnviroInfo 2010: Integration of Environmental Information in Europe, S. 306-313, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8322-9458-8, ISSN 1616-0886
Sustainability transitions in manufacturing: the role of intellectual property
Eppinger, Elisabeth ; Jain, Akriti ; Vimalnath, Pratheeba ; Gurtoo, Anjula ; Tietze, Frank ; Hernandez Chea, Roberto : Sustainability transitions in manufacturing: the role of intellectual property. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, S. 118-126, 2021, ISSN 1877-3435
Das ist EXIST 2021
Light management with sinusoidal nanotextures
Jäger, Klaus ; Manley, Phillip ; Eisenhauer, David ; Tockhorn, Philipp ; Sutter, Johannes ; Hammerschmidt, Martin ; Burger, Sven ; Albrecht, Steve ; Becker, Christiane : Light management with sinusoidal nanotextures. In: Light, Energy and the Environment 2018, S. OT5C.5, Singapore, 2018