Potential of martensitic stainless steel X5CrNiCuNb 16-4 as pipe steel in corrosive CCS environment
Pfennig, Anja ; Kranzmann, Axel : Potential of martensitic stainless steel X5CrNiCuNb 16-4 as pipe steel in corrosive CCS environment. In: IJESD International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, S. 466-473, 2017, ISSN 2010-0264
On Accurate Simulations of Thin-Film Solar Cells With a Thick Glass Superstrate
Jäger, Klaus ; Hammerschmidt, Martin ; Köppel, Grit ; Burger, Sven ; Becker, Christiane : On Accurate Simulations of Thin-Film Solar Cells With a Thick Glass Superstrate. In: Light, Energy and the Environment, S. PM3B.5/1-2, o.O., 2016, ISBN 978-0-9600380-4-6
First experience with lectures on “Materials and Environment
Modelling Economic and Ecological Aspects of Inventory Management Strategies within a Component-based Material Flow Simulator
Heydt, Lina; Gromyko, Oaxana; Kreutzer, Wolfgang; Page, Bernd; Wohlgemuth, Volker: Modelling Economic and Ecological Aspects of Inventory Management Strategies within a Component-based Material Flow Simulator. In: Managing Environmental Knowledge, S. 319-326, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2006, ISBN 3-8322-5321-1, ISSN 1616-0886
Apparel as a resource - results of a literature review and laboratory textile test of garments subjected to the laundry
Heller, Claudia ; Fuchs, Monika ; Thamsen, Paul Uwe : Apparel as a resource - results of a literature review and laboratory textile test of garments subjected to the laundry. In: PLATE Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2019 - Proceedings, S. 337-344, TU Berlin University Press, Berlin, 2020, ISBN 978-3-7983-3124-2 (print), 978-3-7983-3125-9 (online)
Gaze behavior of e-scooter riders in an urban environment
Apparel as a resource - results of a literature review and laboratory textile tests of garments subjected to the laundry
Heller, Claudia ; Fuchs, Monika ; Thamsen, Paul Uwe : Apparel as a resource - results of a literature review and laboratory textile tests of garments subjected to the laundry. In: PLATE - Product Lifetimes And The Environment, S. 331-337, Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, Berlin, 2020, ISBN 978-3-7983-3124-2 (print), 978-3-7983-3125-9 (online)