Online-Jobbörse Stellenticket HTW Berlin
Praktikums- und Jobangebote
Collaborative manual tasks in distributed virtual environments
Keppler, Sebastian; Israel, Johann Habakuk; Wiese, Eva: Collaborative manual tasks in distributed virtual environments. In: 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), S. 950-953, IEEE Xplore, 2022
Microsoft Word - Absolventenbefragung_202122_2022-04-29.doc
Health-food shops and vegan restaurants in Berlin in correlation with selected social factors
Bielert, Katrin ; Ganzel,Caroline ; Ressel, Maria ; Wersche, Maria Sarah ; Wittmann, Jochen : Health-food shops and vegan restaurants in Berlin in correlation with selected social factors. In: Environmental Informatics – Stability, Continuity, Innovation: Current trends and future perspectives based on 30 years of history, S. 287-292, Shaker, Aachen, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8440-4687-8
Supercritical CO2-corrosion of steels in CCS environment
Pfennig, Anja ; Schulz, Sabrina ; Kranzmann, Axel : Supercritical CO2-corrosion of steels in CCS environment. In: Energy Technology 2013: Carbon Dioxide Management and Other TechnologiesTechnologies 1, S. 31-38, Wiley, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2013, ISBN 978-1-118-60571-4
Claudia Heller
Gesicht der HTW Berlin: Claudia Heller hat sich in ihrer Promotion mit Wäschepflege beschäftigt.
Lehrveranstaltungsbefragungen * Absolventenbefragungen * Erstsemesterbefragungen * Befragungen von Lehrenden
CO2-Corrosion of Steels Exposed to Saline Water Environment
Pfennig, Anja ; Linke, Barbara ; Schulz, Sabrina ; Kranzmann, Axel : CO2-Corrosion of Steels Exposed to Saline Water Environment. In: TMS 2011 140th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Supplemental Proceedings, Volume 4, General Paper Selections, S. 560, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, USA, 2011, ISBN 978-1-11802-947-3