The Effects of Environmental Fiscal Reform in Germany: A Simulation Study
Bach, Stefan ; Kohlhaas, Michael ; Meyer, Bernd ; Praetorius, Barbara ; Welsch, Heinz : The Effects of Environmental Fiscal Reform in Germany: A Simulation Study. In: Energy Policy, S. 803-811, 2002, ISSN 0301-4215
Platinum interconnections for harsh environment applications using atmospheric pressure sputtering
UxLab: Usability Optimization Case Study of an Environmental Management Information System (EMIS) using Eyetracking Studies
Krehahn, Peter ; Wohlgemuth, Volker ; Meyer, Herbert A. : UxLab: Usability Optimization Case Study of an Environmental Management Information System (EMIS) using Eyetracking Studies . In: EnviroInfo 2010: Integration of Environmental Information in Europe, S. 248-249, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8322-9458-8, ISSN 1616-0886
Environmental Informatics – A bogeyman or saviour to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
Wohlgemuth, Volker ; Naumann, Stefan ; Arndt, Hans-Knud ; Behrens, Grid : Environmental Informatics – A bogeyman or saviour to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals?, S. 1-296, Shaker, Düren, 2021, ISBN 978-3-8440-8329-3
Am Standort Wilhelminenhof der HTW Berlin wurde eine so genannte CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) aufgebaut. Unter einer CAVE versteht man einen Raum zur Projektion einer dreidimensionalen Illusionswelt der Virtuellen Realität. Er besteht aus drei Wänden mit Stereobildern, die über Rückproj...
Reliability of quantitative neuroimage analysis using FreeSurfer in distributed environments
Krefting, Dagmar ; Scheel, Michael ; Freing, Alina ; Specovius, Svenja ; Paul, Friedemann ; Brandt, Alexander : Reliability of quantitative neuroimage analysis using FreeSurfer in distributed environments, S. 10, MICCAI 2011, Toronto, 2011
Effects of Delayed Product Launches on Brand Trust in a Global Environment
Herm, Steffen; Möller, Jana : Effects of Delayed Product Launches on Brand Trust in a Global Environment, S. 1474 (Abstract, Full: 25 Seiten), Tokio, 2010, ISSN 1976-8699
A novel approach for 3D Chips Interconnection for Harsh Environment Applications
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Global Business: International Management in an Intercultural Environment - Lectures, Presentations, Casestudies