N-glycosylation profile of the soluble F protein from respiratory syncytial virus expressed in different cell lines
Sandig, Grit ; von Horsten, Hans Henning ; Blanchard, Veronique ; Radtke, Lars ; Frohme, Marcus ; Sandig, Volker ; Hinderlich, Stephan: N-glycosylation profile of the soluble F protein from respiratory syncytial virus expressed in different cell lines. In: Tagungsband Research Day 2015 - Stadt der Zukunft, S. 40-43, Mensch und Buch Verlag, Berlin, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86387-595-4
Effect of front TCO on the performance of rear-junction silicon heterojunction solar cells: Insights from simulations and experiments
Cruz, Alexandros ; Wang, Er-Chien ; Morales-Vilches, Anna B. ; Meza, Daniel ; Neubert, Sebastian ; Szyszka, Bernd ; Schlatmann, Rutger ; Stannowski, Bernd: Effect of front TCO on the performance of rear-junction silicon heterojunction solar cells: Insights from simulations and experiments. In: Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, S. 339-345, 2019, ISSN 0927-0248
Lernraum Campus. Erkenntnisse zur räumlichen Umsetzung des "Shift from Teaching to Learning"
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Versatility of Nanocrystalline Silicon Films: from Thin-Film to Perovskite/c-Si Tandem Solar Cell Applications
Mazzarella, Luana ; Morales-Vilches, Anna B. ; Korte, Lars ; Schlatmann, Rutger ; Stannowski, Bernd: Versatility of Nanocrystalline Silicon Films: from Thin-Film to Perovskite/c-Si Tandem Solar Cell Applications . In: Coatings, S. 1-13 (759), 2020, ISSN 2079-6412
From Eyes to Ears: How to Deal With the Acoustic Element “Voice” as a Visual Designer
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Better-Simpler-More Ideal: Disruptive Innovation by Patent Circumvention with Function Models from TRIZ
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Taxonomic Competence Modelling – Observations from a Hands-on Study and Implications for Modelling Strategies
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Hyperfine structure measurements of neutral vanadium by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in the wavelength range from 750 nm to 860 nm
Başar, Günay ; Güzelçimen, Feyza ; Öztürk, Ipek K. ; Er, Alev ; Bingöl, Dogukan ; Kröger, Sophie ; Başar, Gönül: Hyperfine structure measurements of neutral vanadium by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in the wavelength range from 750 nm to 860 nm. In: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, S. 193-199, 2017, ISSN 0022-4073
Development of a measuring system for monitoring transport of boar semen from artificial insemination centers to sow farms
Schulze,Paul AND Fuchs-Kittowski,Frank AND Hafemeister,Tim AND Urban,Alexander AND Berndl,Mario AND Simmet,Christian AND Schulze,Martin: Development of a measuring system for monitoring transport of boar semen from artificial insemination centers to sow farms. In: INFORMATIK 2022, S. 935-945 , Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2022, ISBN 978-3-88579-720-3, ISSN 1617-5468
A hybrid CFD/BEM method for the calculation of aeroacoustic noise from a radial fan
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