Functional characterization of the re-face loop spanning residues 536-541 and its interactions with the cofactor in the flavin mononucleotide-binding domain of flavocytochrome P450 from Bacillus megaterium
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A fiscal bazooka from Brussels? The EU's recovery fund has finally seen the light of day. But this comes at a price: deep political rifts and painful budget cuts
Hacker, Björn : A fiscal bazooka from Brussels? The EU's recovery fund has finally seen the light of day. But this comes at a price: deep political rifts and painful budget cuts. In: International Politics and Society, S. 1-4, 2020, ISSN -
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Marsolek
Arbeits- & Produktgestaltung
+49 30 5019-3416
GEFMA's Path to Digitization in FM, Kairo
Scaling up: From Communities of Practice to the three ERA gender equality and mainstreaming objectives: careers, decision-making and integrating the gender dimension into research and educational content
Rabsch, Kathrin Melissa; Palmén, Rachel; Caprile, Maria; Vinkenburg, Claartje; Kublickiene, Karolina: Scaling up: From Communities of Practice to the three ERA gender equality and mainstreaming objectives: careers, decision-making and integrating the gender dimension into research and educational content. In: Routledge, A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research, S. 187-201, Rouledge, London, 2022, ISBN 9781032115658
Private Enforcement in the Realm of European Capital Markets Law Revisited and the Case of Credit Rating Agencies from the Perspective of European and German Law
Deipenbrock, Gudula : Private Enforcement in the Realm of European Capital Markets Law Revisited and the Case of Credit Rating Agencies from the Perspective of European and German Law. In: European Business Law Review, S. 549-575, 2018, ISSN 0959-6941
Is the Law Ready to Face the Progressing Digital Revolution? - General Policy Issues and Selected Aspects in the Realm of Financial Markets from the International, European Union and German Perspective
Deipenbrock, Gudula : Is the Law Ready to Face the Progressing Digital Revolution? - General Policy Issues and Selected Aspects in the Realm of Financial Markets from the International, European Union and German Perspective. In: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, S. 285-313, 2019, ISSN 00443638
European Business Law Review - Special Issue on Directors' Civil Liability and Directors' Duties - Current Issues from the National and Comparative Company Law View
Deipenbrock, Gudula (Hg.) ; Chiu, Iris H-Y (Hg.) : European Business Law Review - Special Issue on Directors' Civil Liability and Directors' Duties - Current Issues from the National and Comparative Company Law View, S. 195-294, Kluwer Law International, New York, 2016, ISSN 0959-6941
Utilizing Technology to Facilitate the Transition from Secondary-to Tertiary Level Linear Algebra
A common perception among researchers in mathematics education is that the transition between secondary- and tertiary level of mathematics may be problematic for the students. In particular, the exact and abstract nature of the theory of Linear algebra versus its arithmetic-geometric presentation in...
Plant variety protection. From intellectual property rights to open innovation