the poster
Educational Alliance with the German International University (GIU) in Cairo
Educational Alliance
Identifizierung von Substanzen, die Telomerlänge und zelluläre Alterung beeinflussen (TELOMERE)
Telomeres are defined DNA - protein structures at the end of the chromosomes that protect them against degradation, recombination and end-to-end fusions. Telomeres are tightly linked to cellular aging and carcinogenesis. The maintenance of a physiological telomere length is crucial for the life of t...
Prof. Dr. Frank-Ulrich Fink
Image Quality – Requirements For Clinical and Research Applications
Zerbe, Norman ; Heim, Daniel ; Wetzel, Thomas ; Hufnagl, Peter : Image Quality – Requirements For Clinical and Research Applications. In: Diagnostic Pathology. Proceedings 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology, S. 1-2, Waltrop, 2016, ISSN 2364-4893
Infrastruktur für biomedizinische F&E-Projekte (CBMI-Lab)
Aufbau einer Infrastruktur für Entwicklung und Test innovativer Lösungen zur Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt mit Fokus auf Biobanking, Vitaldatenanalyse und Digitale Pathologie unter Einsatz von Deep Learning. Für das Centrum für biomedizinische Bild- und Informationsverarbeitung Berlin (CBMI), eine...
Special applications
Application Of Ki-67 Analysis In A Distributed Computing Infrastructure
Strutz, Marco ; Lindequist, Björn ; Witt, Michael ; Heßling, Hermann ; Hufnagl, Peter ; Krefting, Dagmar : Application Of Ki-67 Analysis In A Distributed Computing Infrastructure. In: Diagnostic Pathology. Proceedings 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology, S. 1-2, Waltrop, 2016, ISSN 2364-4893
Application Of Ki-67 Analysis In A Distributed Computing Infrastructure
Strutz, Marco ; Lindequist, Björn ; Witt, Michael ; Heßling, Hermann ; Hufnagl, Peter ; Krefting, Dagmar : Application Of Ki-67 Analysis In A Distributed Computing Infrastructure. In: Diagnostic Pathology. Proceedings 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology, S. 1-2, Waltrop, 2016, ISSN 2364-4893