How do you want to work in the future? From homo oeconomicus to homo ludens- A Transformation Design Approach/Protoyping Design Interventions in societies
Fine and Hyperine Structure of Atomic Protac- tinium: High Precision by Extensive Weighted Least Square Fit of Peak Wavenumbers from Fourier Transform Spectrum
unofficial reading version Study and Examination Regulations for the Consecutive Master's programme International and Development Economics
At Faculty 3: Business School from the 3rd of June 2015 taking into account the 1st Amendment Order of 2nd November 2016 taking into account the 2nd Amendment Order of 4th May 2022
Organisation und Moderation: Dr. Olga Gulina - Migration from post-Soviet countries to Europe: Who comes and who stays?
Application Documents
Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt 18/24 - Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den englischsprachigen Bachelorstudiengang Cyber Security and Business
im Fachbereich Informatik, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft
Auch an Fachhochschulen können sich junge Forscher ihren Titel erarbeiten. Erfahren Sie, was diese Leute antreibt.
Mesolevel Structures as a Foundation for Collective Action and Social Integration
Wurzel, Ulrich : Mesolevel Structures as a Foundation for Collective Action and Social Integration. In: Kienle, Eberhard, Politics From Above – Politics From Below. The Middle East in the Age of Economic Reform, S. 98-117, London, 2003