Dermatomyositis With or Without Anti-Melanoma Differentiation-Associated Protein 5 Antibodies
Allenbach, Yves ; Leroux, Gaëlle ; Suárez-Calvet, Xavier ; Preuße, Corinna ; Gallardo, Eduard ; Hervier, Baptiste ; Rigolet, A. ; Hie, Miguel ; Pehl, Debora ; Limal, Nicolas ; Hufnagl, Peter ; Zerbe, Norman ; Meyer, Alain ; Aouizerate, Jessie ; Uzunhan, Yurdagul ; Maisonobe, Thierry ; Goebel, Hans-Hilmar ; Benveniste, Olivier ; Stenzel, Werner : Dermatomyositis With or Without Anti-Melanoma Differentiation-Associated Protein 5 Antibodies. In: American Journal of Pathology, S. 691–700, 2016, ISSN 0002-9440 (print), 1525-2191 (online)
Laser Patterning of Cigs Based Solar Cells Using Nano- and Picosecond Pulses - Possibilities and Challenges
Schüle, Manuel ; Schultz, Christof ; Juzumas, V. ; Stelmaszczyk, Kamil ; Weizman, Moshe ; Wolf, Christian ; Papathanasiou, Niklas ; Rau, Björn ; Schlatmann, Rutger ; Quaschning, Volker ; Stegemann, Bert ; Fink, Frank-Ulrich : Laser Patterning of Cigs Based Solar Cells Using Nano- and Picosecond Pulses - Possibilities and Challenges. In: Proceedings of the 28. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), S. 2302-2306, WIP, München, 2013, ISBN 3-936338-33-7
Laser Patterning of Cigs Based Solar Cells Using Nano- and Picosecond Pulses - Possibilities and Challenges
Schüle, Manuel ; Schultz, Christof ; Juzumas, V. ; Stelmaszczyk, Kamil ; Weizman, Moshe ; Wolf, Christian ; Papathanasiou, Niklas ; Rau, Björn ; Schlatmann, Rutger ; Quaschning, Volker ; Stegemann, Bert ; Fink, Frank-Ulrich : Laser Patterning of Cigs Based Solar Cells Using Nano- and Picosecond Pulses - Possibilities and Challenges. In: Proceedings of the 28. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), S. 2302-2306, WIP, München, 2013, ISBN 3-936338-33-7
Laser Patterning of Cigs Based Solar Cells Using Nano- and Picosecond Pulses - Possibilities and Challenges
Schüle, Manuel ; Schultz, Christof ; Juzumas, V. ; Stelmaszczyk, Kamil ; Weizman, Moshe ; Wolf, Christian ; Papathanasiou, Niklas ; Rau, Björn ; Schlatmann, Rutger ; Quaschning, Volker ; Stegemann, Bert ; Fink, Frank-Ulrich : Laser Patterning of Cigs Based Solar Cells Using Nano- and Picosecond Pulses - Possibilities and Challenges. In: Proceedings of the 28. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), S. 2302-2306, WIP, München, 2013, ISBN 3-936338-33-7
Laser Patterning of Cigs Based Solar Cells Using Nano- and Picosecond Pulses - Possibilities and Challenges
Schüle, Manuel ; Schultz, Christof ; Juzumas, V. ; Stelmaszczyk, Kamil ; Weizman, Moshe ; Wolf, Christian ; Papathanasiou, Niklas ; Rau, Björn ; Schlatmann, Rutger ; Quaschning, Volker ; Stegemann, Bert ; Fink, Frank-Ulrich : Laser Patterning of Cigs Based Solar Cells Using Nano- and Picosecond Pulses - Possibilities and Challenges. In: Proceedings of the 28. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), S. 2302-2306, WIP, München, 2013, ISBN 3-936338-33-7
Metallfunde aus Brandgräbern vom Tell Seh Hamad, Syrien (Tell Seh Hamad)
Im Zuge des Projekts wurden ca. 50 Fundobjekte aus Bronze, Elfenbein und organischen Materialien dokumentiert, untersucht, konserviert und restauriert. Die Brandgräber, aus denen die Funde kommen, liegen in der syrischen Siedlung Tell Seh Hamad - Dur Katlimmu, die vom Institut für Vorderasiatische A...
Extension of the Identity Management System Mainzelliste to Reduce Runtimes for Patient Registration in Large Datasets
Zerbe, N ; Hampf, C ; Hufnagl, P : Extension of the Identity Management System Mainzelliste to Reduce Runtimes for Patient Registration in Large Datasets. In: Andreas Holzinger, Randy Goebel, Michael Mengel, Heimo Müller, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Digital Pathology, S. 228-245, Springer Nature , Cham, 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-50401-4, ISSN 0302-9743
Laser Patterning of CIGS absorber layers with short nanosecond laser pulses
Schüle, Manuel ; Schultz, Christof ; Juzumas, V. ; Stelmaszczyk, Kamil ; Weizman, Moshe ; Wolf, C. ; Papathanasiou, Niklas ; Rau, Björn ; Schlatmann, Rutger ; Quaschning, Volker ; Stegemann, Bert ; Fink, Frank-Ulrich ; Laser Patterning of Cigs absorber layers with short nanosecond laser pulses. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), S. 187 (Abstract), Bad Honnef, 2013, ISSN 0420-0195 : Laser Patterning of CIGS absorber layers with short nanosecond laser pulses, S. 1, Regensburg, 2013
Laser Patterning of Cigs absorber layers with short nanosecond laser pulses
Schüle, Manuel ; Schultz, Christof ; Juzumas, V. ; Stelmaszczyk, Kamil ; Weizman, Moshe ; Wolf, Christian ; Papathanasiou, Niklas ; Rau, Björn ; Schlatmann, Rutger ; Quaschning, Volker ; Stegemann, Bert ; Fink, Frank-Ulrich: Laser Patterning of Cigs absorber layers with short nanosecond laser pulses. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), S. 187 (Abstract), Bad Honnef, 2013, ISSN 0420-0195