Empathy based Project Management
An Omega(n^3) Lower Bound on the Number of Cell Crossings for Weighted Shortest Paths in 3-Dimensional Polyhedral Structures
Bauernöppel, Frank ; Maheshwari, Anil ; Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger : An Omega(n^3) Lower Bound on the Number of Cell Crossings for Weighted Shortest Paths in 3-Dimensional Polyhedral Structures. In: LATIN 2020: Theoretical Informatics. LATIN 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12118, S. 235-246, Springer Nature, Cham, 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-61792-9
Cell nuclei attributed relational graphs for efficient representation and classification of gastric cancer in digital histopathology
Sharma, Harshita ; Zerbe, Norman ; Heim, Daniel ; Wienert, Stephan ; Lohmann, Sebastian ; Hellwich, Olaf ; Hufnagl, Peter: Cell nuclei attributed relational graphs for efficient representation and classification of gastric cancer in digital histopathology. In: Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology, SPIE Proceedings, S. 1-19, SPIE Press, New York, 2016, ISBN 978-1-5106-0026-3
EMPAIA App Interface: An open and vendor-neutral interface for AI applications in pathology
Romberg D, Strohmenger K, Jansen C, Küster T, Weiss N, Geissler C, oltysinski T, Takle M, Hufnagl P, Zerbe N, Hufnagl P, Homeyer A : EMPAIA App Interface: An open and vendor-neutral interface for AI applications in pathology. In: Comput Methods Programs Biomed, S. 106, 2022, ISSN 0169-2607
Innovation ohne Grenzen und Grenzen der Innovation im Rahmen einer empathischen Produktentwicklung zur Produktinnovation
Marsolek, Ingo : Innovation ohne Grenzen und Grenzen der Innovation im Rahmen einer empathischen Produktentwicklung zur Produktinnovation. In: HTW Berlin, Stefanie Molthagen-Schnöring, Grenzen in Zeiten technologischer und sozialer Disruption, S. 44-48, BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin, 2019, ISBN 978-3-8305-3957-5, 978-3-8305-4120-2 (E-Book)
Necrosis in anti-SRP+ and anti-HMGCR+myopathies: Role of autoantibodies and complement
Allenbach, Y. ; Arouche-Delaperche, L. ; Preusse, C. ; Radbruch, H. ; Butler-Browne, G. ; Champtiaux, N. ; Mariampillai, K. ; Rigolet, A. ; Hufnagl, P. ; Zerbe, N. ; Amelin, D. ; Maisonobe, T. ; Louis-Leonard, S. ; Duyckaerts, C. ; Eymard, B. ; Goebel, H.H. ; Bergua, C. ; Drouot, L. ; Boyer, O. ; Benveniste, O. ; Stenzel, W.: Necrosis in anti-SRP+ and anti-HMGCR+myopathies: Role of autoantibodies and complement. In: Neurology, S. -, 2018, ISSN 0028-3878
How beneficial are capital inflows for economic catch-up? Lessons from the euro periphery
An Archaeometry of Color: Investigating Metal Toning Chemistries at Pathé
Supporting digital pathology solutions by scanner contests
Digital Pathology and Tissue-based Diagnosis. How do they differ?