Microsoft Word - Antrag_Durchführung_studienbegleitendes_Praktikums_eng.doc
Continuous hybrid cooling using geothermal and solar heat sources and underground storage systems (Auftrag Oman)
The research programme aims to develop a worldwide unique concept for a continuously operating cooling system based on renewable energy resources. One cornerstone will be the supply or storage of heat or cold from the Earth subsurface. A demonstrator of such an innovative system should be realised i...
Transatlantic Trade Partnership Versus Transatlantic Currency Cooperation
Priewe, Jan : Transatlantic Trade Partnership Versus Transatlantic Currency Cooperation. In: Palley, Thomas I.; Horn, Gustav A., Restoring Shared Prosperity: A Policy Agenda from Leading Keynesian Economists, S. 123-133, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, eBook,, 2013, ISBN 978-1493749423
Typology of SMEs Risk Management Practices
Henschel, Thomas : Typology of SMEs Risk Management Practices. In: ICSB, 2008 ICSB World Conference - Advancing Small Business and Entrepreneurship: From Research to Results, S. 136, ICSB, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2008
Knowledge Risk Management - State of Research
Henschel, Thomas ; Durst, Susanne : Knowledge Risk Management - State of Research. In: Susanne Durst, Thomas Henschel, Knowledge Risk Management. From Theory to Praxis, S. 3-13, Springer, New York, 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35120-5