Academic calendar: summer semester 2025
Semester dates at a glance
Design for disassembly in the framework of life-cycle design
Seliger, Günther ; Hentschel, Claudia ; Kriwet, Ansgar : Design for disassembly in the framework of life-cycle design. In: Working Papers from the 1st CIRP Seminar on Life-Cycle Engineering, S. 25, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, 1993
Symbolic Interaction in Digital Games: Theoretical Reflections on Dimension of Meaning Construction in Digital Gameplay
Frieß, Regina : Symbolic Interaction in Digital Games: Theoretical Reflections on Dimension of Meaning Construction in Digital Gameplay. In: Fromme, Johannes; Unger, Alexander , Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook on Digital Game Studies., S. 249-264, Springer, Dordrecht u.a., 2012
The National Research Data Infrastructure (in original German: Nationale Forschungs-Daten Infrastruktur NFDI) has the objective to systematically index, edit, interconnect and make available the valuable stock of data from science and research. PUNCH4NFDI is the NFDI consortium of particle, astro-,...
Gesundheitskompetenz im Unternehmen: Der richtige "Fit" zwischen Verhalten und Verhältnis
Nitsche, Sabine : Gesundheitskompetenz im Unternehmen: Der richtige "Fit" zwischen Verhalten und Verhältnis. In: Uwe Bettig / Mona Frommelt / Martina Roes / Roland Schmidt / Günter Thiele, Pflegeberufe der Zukunft: Akademisierung, Qualifizierung und Kompetenzentwicklung. Jahrbuch Pflegemanagement, S. 51-62, medzweihoch, Heidelberg, 2017, ISBN 978-3-86216-396-0
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The Practice of Governance in Fast Growing Small Firms - A Cross-Country Study
Henschel, Thomas : The Practice of Governance in Fast Growing Small Firms - A Cross-Country Study. In: ICSB, 57th World Conference of the International Council for Small Business - Leading from the Edge, S. 295, ICSB, Wellington, 2012, ISBN 978-0-9819028-4-5
Foreign Languages Centre
Courses during studies and holiday intensive courses in eight languages