International (en)
Fabrication of Hydrogen Sensor for the hydrogen gas leak detector.
Hydrogen is expected as a next-generation clean energy to replace a fossil energy. To expand the use of hydrogen energy in daily life, its safety must be ensured and the technology for using hydrogen safely demands the most attention especially during transport and storage. Hydrogen gas spread to ai...
Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt 01/19 - Ordnungen für Construction and Real Estate Management - Master
Korrektur des Amtlichen Mitteilungsblattes der HTW Berlin Nr. 40/15: Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den konsekutiven Masterstudiengang Construction and Real Estate Management im Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften - Technik und Leben vom 29. Juli 2015
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Investigation of hyperfine structure of Lanthanum, Holmium and Niobium (hfs)
Continuation of international cooperation with the Istanbul University: Laser spectroscopy provides important experimental atomic and molecular data needed for various scientific areas such as plasma physics, gaseous electronics, astronomy, astrophysics, biomedicine and environmental applications. ...
Program Schedule SAWA 2024
Final thesis
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Krefting
MBA&E Life Science Management
Welcome to the Life Science Management degree from the HTW Berlin